Thursday, March 30, 2006

Deleuze's ABC Primer (B)

"B as in _Boire/Boisson_ [Drink]"
Parnet asks what it meant for Deleuze to drink when he used to drink. Deleuze muses that he used to drink a lot, but had to stop for health reasons. Drinking, he says, is a question of quantity.

Drink and drugs are not required in order to work, but their only justification would be if they did help one to work, even at the risk of one's health. Deleuze refers to American writers, cites Thomas Wolfe, Fitzgerald, as a "série d'alcoolique" (alcoholic series). Drinking helped them to perceive that something which is too strong in life.

Deleuze says he used to think that drinking helped him create philosophical concepts, but then he realized it didn't help him at all.


Note that these are my excerpts. The entire text of the discussinon is available online at Gilles Deleuze's ABC Primer, with Claire Parnet.


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